Automobiles are a significant investment. If you want your car to last you for years, you must take care of it. While you may be thinking of car maintenance, good driving habits apply too. Lousy driving habits can significantly impact your car over time. It will likely break down and develop long-term problems if you're rough on your car. Below are some terrible habits to avoid doing if you want to keep your vehicle for a while:
Flying Over Rough Terrain
Potholes and speed bumps can do a number on your wheels, tires, suspension, and your steering. For example, you could risk knocking your wheels out of alignment and blowing out your tire. So next time you see a road bump, slow down and carry on with caution.
Revving A Cold Engine
If you didn't know already, engine oil needs to warm up before its lubricating properties kick in. Revving a cold engine can damage your engine components as it is not adequately lubricated yet. It would help to let your vehicle idle 30 seconds to 1 minute before driving.
Shifting Gears Too Quickly
If you're shifting gears too fast and not stopping before putting your car to and from drive, it could hurt your drivetrain, especially your transmission.
Ignoring Dashboard Lights And Warnings
Your dashboard warning lights are there for a reason: to warn you of problems and to remind you to get those problems fixed. Various warning lights include the oil pressure light, electrical light, ABS light, TPMS light, check engine light, and more. If you need help diagnosing these lights, the techs at Stang Auto Tech would be glad to help!
Not Using Your Parking Brake
Most drivers make the mistake of not using their parking brake or emergency brake every time they park. Engaging the parking brake every time releases the stress on your transmission.
If you need auto maintenance or repairs in Broomfield, CO, we invite you to bring your car to Stang Auto Tech!