Posted on 5/27/2020

While the summer months brings fun days in the sun, road trips, and vacations, it also means much heavier use of our vehicles. The warm weather can actually take a higher toll on our cars due to the high temperatures and frequency of drives. As we near the summer months, it is important to take care of certain summer vehicle maintenance. This is especially important as well if you're planning any road trips in the near future. Summer vehicle maintenance will ensure that your vehicle not only avoids major issues throughout the summer, but also keeps you and your family safe on the road wherever you decide to travel to. Tires Tires are always important to your vehicle's safety, but need to be in good condition especially for long car rides. Check that the tire pressure is correct, because the heat can cause the air in your tires to expand. Also, inspect the tires for an excessive wear. If you do notice excessive wear, you'll want to b ... read more