Posted on 3/10/2021

Let's say you are driving your car and you start hearing weird noises. It's important that you address the issue as soon as possible. Understanding what type of noise you are experiencing can help you decide whether you should seek the immediate attention of a vehicle expert near you. 5 Car Noises for Immediate Attention Let's discuss the 5 car noises that might require your immediate attention: #1. Squealing Sound If you hear a squealing sound from your car then it's possibly coming from the brakes. It could be because of weather or the friction between the brake rotor/disc and the brake pad. The brake pads could be of cheap quality and might have worn out. If the issue lasts longer, it's time to see an auto repair shop. #2. Knocking Sound If you hear a knocking sound from your car then there could be something wrong with the ignition. It's possible that the fuel in the engine could be burning unevenly causing this sound. There could be an issue with the ... read more