Posted on 6/8/2021
Brake fluid is a crucial part of the car's brake system, and without it, your brake system can fail. When the brakes build up pressure, brake fluid is released into the brake pads, allowing the rotors to stop. Not only is it essential to detect and resolve low brake fluid for your safety, but it also can be a signal of another problem within your vehicle. Low brake fluid can be caused by any of the following: brake line damaged, aging brake pads, or leakage. Now that we established why brake fluid is essential, you may be wondering how to determine when your brake fluid is low. Here are the warning signs of low brake fluid: Warning Light Most of the time, the initial sign that you will notice is the warning light for your brakes. If you see this light flicker on, you more than likely have low brake fluid, and it is time to bring your vehicle into our auto shop. Difficulty Managing Stops Another sign that your vehicle is low on brake flu ... read more