Posted on 6/24/2020

Many car owners have noticed that during the warm summer heat, they find that they have to deal with car struggles more often. The warm weather, increase in driving, dry air, and hot roads are all contributing factors to car troubles in the summer. As a result, you may find yourself having to deal with car stresses more often in the heat, and may be wondering how you can help avoid these issues as much as possible. One issue we find is that some cars have trouble starting after the car has been sitting out in the scorching sun. This typically happens because the engine is too hot and won't start. This Is most often associated with the fuel. The engine is way too hot, making it tough for fuel to circulate properly. Another reason why you may find yourself having trouble starting your vehicle in the summer is due to a dead battery. Battery life can actually be hindered in the heat because battery fluid can corrode and evaporate faster. If it has been a while since you l ... read more