Posted on 7/20/2020

You may have heard about the dreaded engine trouble that can sometimes arise unexpectedly. Maybe you have yet to deal with engine trouble, but understanding what can go wrong and what you can do to prevent it can make a difference when it comes to the longevity of your vehicle and the amount of money you spend on repairs over the years. The best way to avoid engine trouble is to have your vehicle inspected regularly and to stay up-to-date with your vehicle's scheduled maintenance and services. The better you maintain your engine, the less likely you'll find yourself dealing with major issues down the road. So, what can actually go wrong with your vehicle's engine? Here are some of the most common engine problems: Clogged radiator Leaky valves or worn pistons Blown head gasket Clogged or dirty oil chambers and valves Faulty oil pump Poor lubrication Bad fuel pump Coolant leak Faulty oxygen sensor Worn spark plugs Missing or loose gas cap These are ju ... read more