Posted on 3/3/2020
It's no secret how important your vehicle's transmission is to the overall operation of your car. This is why it is so important to properly maintain your vehicle's transmission and stay on top of the services it needs to work with efficiency. If you've been a vehicle owner for at least 5 years, you've probably heard of a transmission fluid service or had one performed. However, do you know what it actually does and how important it is? Lets take a look at what a transmission fluid service consists of and why it is important to the overall operated of your car. Did you know that according to the Automotive Transmission Rebuilders Association that over 90% of automatic transmission failures are due to overheating? It's true, and your transmission fluid is a huge part of keeping your transmission running at an optimal temperature. Transmission fluid has many different jobs, including (most importantly) lubricating and cooling your transmission ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2020
The oxygen sensor in your vehicle has the job of measuring oxygen levels in the exhaust gases that are emitted from the engine. This needs to be monitored because your car needs to run on a specific air to fuel ratio. It also helps ensure that the timing of the engine and fuel injection process is correct. An oxygen sensor failure isn't uncommon, and can happen with aging vehicles. It may be the reason that your vehicle won't pass emissions testing. When it does fail, it has a negative impact on the environment and your overall engine performance. The following are some the symptoms that can indicate a failing oxygen sensor: Check engine light is on Poor fuel efficiency Engine runs rough Smell of rotten eggs Engine idles and misfires If you do happen to notice any of the signs above, don't hesitate to give us a call here at Stang Auto Tech. Oxygen sensors typically need to be replaced between every 60,000 miles and 90,000 miles. It may also need to be repl ... read more
Posted on 12/31/2019
Driving in the snow and severe winter weather conditions can be extremely stressful. Not only does it extend your driving time, but it can put your safety at risk. Before you hit the road in snow or icy weather, it is important to have a winter car emergency kit on hand that can be a lifesaver in times of breakdowns or other car troubles. Building a winter car emergency kit can be stressful if you don't know where to start. We want to help by giving you some ideas for what to pack and where you can find many of these items. Winter weather has already started, so getting these emergency items now will be a huge help over the next couple of months. Here are some items to have handy in your winter weather emergency kit: Spare tire, jack, wrench Flares Blankets Extra jackets and warm clothing Tire chains Cell phone charger Emergency numbers Jumper cables Ice scraper The items listed above are just a guideline to use when building your winter emergency kit ... read more
Posted on 12/3/2019
Happy Holidays from all of us here at Stang Auto Tech! During the winter time, the weather gets much more harsh and it tends to take a toll on our vehicles. The best way to have a reliable car through the season and ensure your safety on the road is by staying on top of your car's winter vehicle maintenance. Winter car maintenance is very important when it comes to the overall condition of your vehicle. Especially with the snow, driving can be much more dangerous and risky if your vehicle is in bad shape. We recommend that your vehicle is inspected here at Stang Auto Tech before the winter weather gets rough so that you can be free from car troubles during the next winter months. Important winter car maintenance items include: Inspect tire pressure, tread, and condition Swap for snow tires if needed, or carry tire chains in your car Replace windshield wipers and keep wiper fluid full Make sure that your battery is charged and replace it if its over ... read more
Posted on 10/25/2019
We've all been there before - a friend of yours ask politely, can I borrow your car? It may just be for an hour or maybe a day, but doing so will be a great help to your friend. Do you say yes, or no? We know that it can be difficult to bring yourself to say no, especially when your friend is in need. But is it ultimately safe to let a friend borrow your vehicle? While you may want to be there for your friend, there are some things you should think about before saying yes. Of course you don't want to think about the worse case scenario, which would be that your friend gets in an accident while borrowing your car. However, things happen and this is always a possibility. This is why you should always give your insurance company a call before saying yes. They will advise you on whether or not you would be liable for damage if your friend gets in an accident. Another thing to make sure of is that your friend is insured themselves. It would be a good idea to have them ... read more
Posted on 9/25/2019
If you own an older vehicle or a vehicle that has some paint removed in areas, you may have noticed that rust has started to appear. Rust happens when oxygen gets to metal, but can happen even fast when water is thrown in the mix. If you have any metal areas of your vehicle that are exposed, rust will start to appear over time. Rust can also happen underneath your vehicle and under the paint - if you notice a bubble underneath your car paint, this is an indicator that rust is happening underneath the car paint. Surface rust can also appear on other metal items of your car like door handles, log nuts, and more. Correcting rust is more of an intermediate level job, but anyone can learn. It's best to correct surface rust as soon as you see it and not let it get worse over time. Items you will need include: Sandpaper Paint Primer Paint Brush Paint that matches the area you are correctly Clear Coat Paint Buffer The process goes like this: begin by using t ... read more
Posted on 8/26/2019
When it comes to your vehicle, making sure that you are on top of your vehicle's maintenance and service needs isn't always just for your safety and the integrity of your vehicle. Driving with mechanical car problems can actually land you a ticket, and probably cost you just as much as it would have to get the issue fixed, if not more. While most of us understand the types of driving violations that can get us in trouble, such as making an illegal U-Turn, speeding, not wearing a seatbelt, and more, not everyone is aware of mechanic problems that can also land us a ticket on the road. Here are some mechanic problems that can land you a ticket if they aren't fixed: A broken tail light, headlight, or blinker Having illegal window tinting Missing or expired license plate Driving with an expired registration sticker Driving with a cracked windshield (depending on local laws and severity) Using high beams improperly Hazardous loading of items in y ... read more
Posted on 7/31/2019
We know that it can be stressful to have to visit the auto repair shop for any reason. It takes time from your day and sometimes there is uncertainty about how long the visit will take and how much the repairs will end up costing you. In order to be as informed and prepared as possible, here are some helpful tips to use when planning your visit to the mechanic. Take note of your vehicle's symptoms and how your vehicle drives. If you're going into the shop for an inspection because you suspect an issue, going in with a couple of symptoms that you have been experiencing can help the mechanic better understand the problem and pinpoint the issue. Don't be afraid to ask up front for an estimate before you agree to have any work done. At the end of the day, it is your vehicle, and you can choose what is performed on it. The mechanic will likely tell you the severity of the problem and whether or not the repairs need to be completed right away or can w ... read more
Posted on 6/28/2019
We know that it can be stressful on the road, especially when you are put into certain situations that can cause anxiety and uncertainty. It is important that we all stay calm and collected while driving to ensure our own safety and the safety of other cars around us. If you ever find yourself stressed out, try to remember the following tips for common stressful situations on the road: Road Construction - It can be scary when a lane is closed and lots of vehicles are trying to merge out of the way. Road construction can also mean stopped cars along the side of the road and workers walking about. Try to stay calm and understand that the construction can’t be avoided, and that everyone is trying to get to their destination safely. Backseat Drivers - There’s always that one friend, family member, or spouse that gives advice where it isn’t warranted. If you are unsure about what to do in this situation, we recommend changing ... read more
Posted on 6/28/2019
Your vehicle’s brakes should always be in top working condition. If you ever notice a problem with your brakes, an inspection is recommended as soon as you can to avoid brake failure. One component of your vehicle’s brake system is the brake pads, which have the important job of helping the calipers make contact with the rotors, and therefore stopping or slowing down your vehicle. The brake pads will eventually wear down over time due to friction, which is why they need to be replaced at certain intervals. If your vehicle’s brake pads need to be replaced, you may notice one or more of the following symptoms A squealing or screeching noise can indicate that the brake pads need to be replaced. This can signify that there is metal to metal contact happening with the brakes. A clicking noise can also mean that your brake pads need to be inspected. A clicking noise while braking is usually an indication that the brake pads are loose. If you notice a lack in performanc ... read more