Posted on 10/4/2021

As you can probably tell by the title of this blog, October is fall car care month! Most people only feel like they have to prepare their car for winter, but as we transition into fall, we'll have shorter days, fallen leaves, and increased possibilities of rain and fog. Not to mention, we're now entering the start of holidays such as Halloween and Thanksgiving that may require numerous road trips. There's no question that you're going to need your vehicle to be in tip-top shape for the fall season. Here are some essential maintenance tips to help you get ready for the seasonal changes. Check all vehicle fluids. Engine oil, power steering, brake, transmission, windshield washer fluid, and antifreeze/coolant. Check all belts and hoses on your car, SUV, or truck for signs of wear and tear. They should be free of cracks, brittleness, and fraying. Test and clean your battery and replace it if necessary. The connections should be clean, tight ... read more
Posted on 9/8/2021
Before we can discuss the various benefits of swapping out your old spark plugs for new ones, you should probably know what spark plugs do. Spark plugs are little metal pieces that allow the spark of electricity to ignite the combustion process needed to start your vehicle. Your spark plugs keep your car powered while providing a smooth and balanced air-fuel mixture by putting the engine's pistons to work. Because spark plug health is directly correlated to engine performance, you can imagine that you can't go anywhere without them, at least not efficiently. If your spark plugs are due for a replacement, please do not neglect them. The primary benefit of getting this service is knowing your car will start without a hitch. Needless to say, that's not all that you can get out of a spark plug replacement. New and fresh spark plugs provide other advantages as well. Consistent production of optimal combustion. Fully functioning spark plugs will yield a fully functionin ... read more
Posted on 8/5/2021

Not all college students will have the leisure of residing on campus. Additionally, if you are attending a local community college, you may not have this option at all. Over 80% of all college students are commuters, so it is relatively common to drive to classes every day. With the hustle and bustle of hundreds or thousands of students driving to school every morning and afternoon, you'll most likely run into some traffic or parking issues. The most important thing to remember is to give yourself sufficient time to arrive at class on time and always drive safely. Here is some additional advice for daily college commuting that will protect you and your vehicle: Leave for school early, especially in the first couple of weeks of the back-to-school season. This timeframe is when traffic tends to be the most congested, so there will be plenty of vehicles on the road. Departing your home early will prevent you from stressing out and speeding to school. Plan ... read more
Posted on 7/3/2021

Dirty fuel injectors can result in some tricky situations. Your fuel injectors work with your fuel filter and pump to simultaneously provide the engine with an adequate amount of clean fuel. Over time the fuel injector quality deteriorates. How do you know when it's time to have the fuel injectors cleaned? Below are the five most common symptoms that indicate you need fuel injector repair. POOR GAS MILEAGE If you've had your car for a long time, then you know how far you can go on a gallon of fuel. If you notice your MPG going down, it means the engine is not performing optimally, and one reason could be a faulty injection system. It is important to note that many other problems can lead to poor gas mileage. It is best to take your car into our shop, so one of our expert technicians can correctly diagnose the problem. CAR ENGINE MISFIRES In severe cases, dirty fuel injectors can cause your engine to misfire. The misfire occurs when there's difficul ... read more
Posted on 6/8/2021
Brake fluid is a crucial part of the car's brake system, and without it, your brake system can fail. When the brakes build up pressure, brake fluid is released into the brake pads, allowing the rotors to stop. Not only is it essential to detect and resolve low brake fluid for your safety, but it also can be a signal of another problem within your vehicle. Low brake fluid can be caused by any of the following: brake line damaged, aging brake pads, or leakage. Now that we established why brake fluid is essential, you may be wondering how to determine when your brake fluid is low. Here are the warning signs of low brake fluid: Warning Light Most of the time, the initial sign that you will notice is the warning light for your brakes. If you see this light flicker on, you more than likely have low brake fluid, and it is time to bring your vehicle into our auto shop. Difficulty Managing Stops Another sign that your vehicle is low on brake flu ... read more
Posted on 5/12/2021

Our tires are an essential part of our safety. They help the vehicle stop suddenly when it needs to. Also, they keep us from fishtailing in the snow and on rainy days. So, if your tires are this important, you might think that you should get them replaced every six months or so, right? That is not true. Here are a few tests you can run on the tread depth of your tires to judge if you should replace them. The Penny Test What is the penny test? If you take a penny from your pocket and place it upside down, where Lincoln's head is facing the tire and see the head of the president on the coin, you will need to replace your tires soon. That is, you should attempt the penny test in several areas of the tire. If, however, you do not always see the head of the money, you should be okay for a little while longer. Why You Should Worry About Tread Wear Safety Safety should be your top priority while out on the road. If you have poor treading on your tires, it could indicate that the ... read more
Posted on 4/16/2021
Most people often forget to change their brake fluid. They often divert their attention to brake system parts such as brake pads, forgetting that the brake fluid also needs care. The fact is that most car owners even do not exhibit a profound understanding of the brake fluid's importance. Fortunately, the brake fluid remains pivotal for efficient braking. They need a comprehensive approach in caring for the vehicle brake system to minimize mechanical failures caused by brake malfunctions. What Does Brake Fluid Do for a Car? The brake fluid remains essential in promoting efficiency in the car's hydraulic brake system. Therefore, if the fluid levels are low or the fluid contains moisture, or its flow is affected, the car's braking may be impeded. How Do You Check Your Car's Brake Fluid? You can check the fluid levels by checking its level. You can find the translucent hydraulic plastic reservoir that stores the fluid. Beware that opening the cap may expose the fluid t ... read more
Posted on 3/10/2021

Let's say you are driving your car and you start hearing weird noises. It's important that you address the issue as soon as possible. Understanding what type of noise you are experiencing can help you decide whether you should seek the immediate attention of a vehicle expert near you. 5 Car Noises for Immediate Attention Let's discuss the 5 car noises that might require your immediate attention: #1. Squealing Sound If you hear a squealing sound from your car then it's possibly coming from the brakes. It could be because of weather or the friction between the brake rotor/disc and the brake pad. The brake pads could be of cheap quality and might have worn out. If the issue lasts longer, it's time to see an auto repair shop. #2. Knocking Sound If you hear a knocking sound from your car then there could be something wrong with the ignition. It's possible that the fuel in the engine could be burning unevenly causing this sound. There could be an issue with the ... read more
Posted on 2/3/2021

We have celebrated valentines for many years. It's time for new love languages that spark back romance and raise it a notch higher. We use vehicles each day to run daily errands, and sometimes we get used to them, forgetting the ultimate power and influence in our lives. In this valentine, Understanding the significant connection between the vehicles and valentines grants us immense power to express love uniquely to our loved ones. You don't have to break the bank to make this exciting. It's the small things you do and the thoughts that melt hearts. Drive Their Car for Computerized Diagnostic and Repairs Your significant other might use their car to drive the kids to school, get groceries, drive to work, run to the drug store, among many daily routines. Due to being so busy, your significant other may fail to get their vehicle to the garage for repairs. Surprise them by getting their car serviced, including getting an oil change, wiper blades ... read more
Posted on 1/5/2021
It's important to always keep your car in the best shape possible. Routine maintenance will prevent it from being easily damaged, lengthen the life of your vehicle, and save you from expensive repairs down the road. Your car should have optimal amounts of fluid. Low power steering fluid will damage the power steering pump and can break it, resulting in repairs that can cost more than $100 dollars. Windshield washer fluid cleans your windshield so that you will have enough visibility to avoid accidents. It also lubricates the wiper blades and washer fluid pump, keeping them from being damaged. Low amounts of transmission fluid will overheat your transmission and can cause failure. This can damage other parts, such as the torque converter. Transmission replacements are very expensive. Antifreeze coolant, or radiator fluid, is essential for cooling your car's engine and making it last longer. Lastly, low brake fluid may cause your brakes to malfunction, which can result in acci ... read more