Our values are based on a God who has given each of us specific talents and a specific role for each of us, every day.
We believe in the good nature of mankind.
We will act with honesty & ethics in everything we do.
Our operation requires Communication and Teamwork.
We will treat others as we prefer to be treated.
We believe you must put back what you have taken or been given.
Act with honesty and ethics in everything we do.
A character that is bidirectional and constant not turned off and on for convenience.
Do the right things, for the right reasons, at the right times.
Work to live, not live to work.
Our careers are to sustain the life we are intended to live.
We must be committed, persistent, diligent, and disciplined to pursue balance.
Strive for perfection even if we will never be.
Sharpen the Saw with training and personal growth.
If we are not moving forward, we are moving backward.
Our lives and the world around us is constantly changing, and so must we.
Believe in the good nature of mankind.
Foster communication and teamwork.
Deliver Exceptional Service.
Continually focus on building confidence, trusting relationships, and serving others at Home and Work, with Family, Friends, and Peers.
Give back because of what we have been given.
Be who you are intended to be, don't let others make you into anything else.
Value our individuality and our ability to excel in what we do.
Be thankful for what we have, not focusing on what we don't or won't.
Look for the lessons to be learned each day from the challenges we are faced with.